Nowadays, binary traders are always looking for new and exciting trading opportunities that will help them improve their success rate. Such opportunities are often found with auto trading software and social trading platform. In this review, we will compare CopyOp and Binary Options Robot who are both amazing services based on social and auto trading.
CopyOp is a social trading network (or platform), that has been developed by popular broker AnyOption. It allows traders to follow other traders and copy their trading style. Binary Options Robot is completely automated trading solution based on an advanced algorithm.
Binary Options Robot vs CopyOp Brokers
In order to trade, every trader needs a broker. Social platforms and trading software don’t provide the actual service of trading but are more of a support.
Binary Options Robot is well-known for their amazing broker list. Traders can find the most popular brokers on the market, and trade without worries. Binary Options Robot doesn’t stop there, as they support trading with more brokers at once, which means that traders are not limited to one broker. This approach allows much better portfolio management and diversification. In most cases, the deposit amount is around $200, but there are also more and less expensive brokers so every trader can find the perfect one. However, the Binary Options Robot is completely free of charge.

As CopyOp and AnyOption are owned by the same company, the preferred broker when trading with CopyOp is AnyOption. AnyOption traders get a chance to use the platform for free, while others have to make a deposit. This limits the possibilities for trading, especially when it comes to newcomers in the binary trading industry.
Binary Options Robot vs CopyOp Account Features
When it comes to selecting a service like this, it is always important to know what useful features and opportunities are there to be used. Useful tools always give the trader an advantage.
Binary Options Robot has many customization tools. After the registration is done Binary Options Robot users can immediately start with creating their perfect profile. Binary Options Robot than places trades according to the instructions set by the trader. Traders always have their integrity when trading with this auto trading software. Some of the features available with Binary Options Robot are:
- Maximum Daily Trades
- Daily Stop Loss
Binary Options Robot also has a free VIP account available after first deposit, or after depositing with more than one broker. It allows further personalization of the trading account:
- Strategy
- Risk Level
- Expiry Times
Traders who opt for Binary Options Robot are always in total control of their funds. Thanks to these features, they can still trade their favorite strategies and adapt their trading style to their current mood, but don’t have to wait for the best trading moment, as Robot does it for them.
Traders who decide to use CopyOp will have the knowledge of a great number of people to take advantage of. Social trading is based on utilizing the knowledge of the crowd, and CopyOp allows exactly that. Users can easily follow successful traders and copy their trades. CopyOp also has many interesting lists that are showing the most successful traders, popular assets etc.
CopyOp traders can also place their trades the classic way and become popular traders who are copied by others. CopyOp success rate is hard to predict as it highly depends on the traders someone is following and success of general CopyOp community.
It is clear that Binary Options Robot allows amazing personalization of trades placed, but is also extremely reliable, while CopyOp can help spread the knowledge of advanced traders. It all depends whether the trader wants to rely on computers on or people.
Binary Options Robot vs CopyOp Price Comparison
One of the main reasons why traders are willing to try binary options trading is to make more money. This is when price really becomes important as trading services are rarely free.
Binary Options Robot is completely free of charge from traders all over the world. BOSR is not charging any costs or fees for traders who use it. VIP account is also free and is basically an award for traders who give their trust to Binary Options Robot.
CopyOp is free for traders who already made a deposit with AnyOption, and during writing of review, the default amount was $500 for deposit. This might be a bit pricey for newcomers who want to try social trading, but still don’t have significant funds.
Who is Better – CopyOp or Binary Options Robot?
Binary trading is, like all types of trading, specific as there is not a single broker or trading service that will satisfy all types of traders.
Slight advantage goes to Binary Options Robot as it is free and has more customization possibilities and brokers available. Also, trading with human algorithm significantly reduces the possibility of human mistake. CopyOp could be a solution for someone who has significant funds and knows how to recognize a good trade and a good trader.