The by far easiest way to handle your money online is by using Skrill Moneybookers or another online wallet available. That is if you trade at various brokers and move funds around all the time. Moneybookers is usually instant deposits and only a two to three days wait when withdrawing.
Best binary options payment methods
When you use Moneybookers you only have to certify your account once and verify all the banking details once. When you later sign-up on various brokers you won’t be asked to send in scanned copies of your credit card and sign various documents that you did in fact make this transfer.
The brokers are indemnified from any chargebacks when using Moneybookers so it’s a very secure way for the brokers to receive your deposit. Skrill Moneybookers is obliged to do due diligence enabling brokers and traders to freely move money around without risk of getting defrauded.
If you are trading small volumes Moneybookers is the way to go.
Big professional investors or VIP clients who is trading high volume should be using bank wires. Bank wires are also called bank transfers. The bank transfers secure that the money is going in and out of the bank account you wish to use for your binary options trading investments.
The upside of using bank transfers is the fees are relative small compared to the big amounts you move around. A lot of regular people as well as professionals enjoy the fact that the money shows up in your bank account with no further hassle or worries about cashing in checks or similar.
If you just want to try and make a small trading account we suggest doing it by bank wire or credit card. If you realize this is something you want to do again we suggest setting up a Moneybookers account in order to save time. We also advise people to cross out four or eight of the 16 digits when submitting your credit card details just to be safe. Here is an example of how it should look 1234 xxxx xxxx 1234. You don’t want your full credit card details floating around in cyberspace.